[MacTUG] Fwd: Apple Tech Series - Client Management - System Imaging and Software Distribution

Richard Crispin rcrispin at sju-serv1.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 13 13:03:07 EST 2010

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Apple Tech Series - Client Management - System Imaging and 
Software Distribution
Date: 	Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:37:24 -0500
From: 	Philip Hume <hume at apple.com>
To: 	Richard Crispin <rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca>
CC: 	Steve Hellyer <phasetwo at apple.com>

Hi Richard,

Our next talk in the Tech Series will be held in Waterloo January 28th. 
There are two time slots: morning and afternoon. It will be held at 
Laurier this time. So, your turn to walk across the street.

Please pass this on to the Mac TUG folks and anyone else that you think 
might be interested.

Apple - Education Seminars & Events - Apple Tech Series - Client 
Management - System Imaging and Software Distribution 

Apple - Education Seminars & Events - Apple Tech Series - Client 
Management - System Imaging and Software Distribution 



Philip Hume
Account Executive - Higher Education

hume at apple.com <mailto:hume at apple.com>
(905) 513-5585
(647) 388-4863 mobile

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