[MacTUG] SPSS 18 installing on OS 10.5 and maybe 10.6

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Jan 9 08:53:38 EST 2010

This came up yesterday, and I thought it might be useful to pass it along to the group.

The current installer for the current version of SPSS 18 does not work, at least on 10.5 systems. 

If you click on the installer, it starts up, asks one to authenticate ( standard Mac admin pswd to allow the installing of applications) and then quits.
To get it to install, I had to open up the package folder and find the actual installer and launch it, after which the installation worked fine.

The same goes for applying the package on the disk, it also doesn't run by clicking on the installer icon/folder/app.

Note:  When running the installer script directly, you will not be prompted for you admin user/pswd to allow the install. I think it should do this for security reasons, but maybe when we authorized the initial attempt that failed, the system remember that we granted permissions.

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