[MacTUG] MacBook Pro that just had its Airport replaced

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 25 17:28:06 EST 2010


One quick thing to check... make sure that at home the person is actually connecting to their network, and not a neighbour's open network.

I have several times gone to someone's home to sort out their wireless network problems and discovered that they had actually been connecting to an open neighbouring network.

On 2010-02-25, at 3:41 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:

>>    My laptop worked well at home last night but this morning the  
>> internet connection was extremely slow whereas the connection with my  
>> old laptop was nice and fast.
>>     Could it be that there is some incompatibility with my laptop and  
>> the wireless I have at home which I think is an Airport Express (looks  
>> the same as the airport express on the apple website). I can't  
>> remember how old it is but must be 4-5 years old. My old laptop uses  
>> OS 10.4 and my wife uses a new iMac which has OS 10.6 and she has no  
>> problem. She never had a problem with her old mac Mini. My new laptop  
>> uses 10.5. Could there be some problem using OS 10.5 with an old  
>> airport express?
>>   I am using my new laptop at work and am connected with uw-wireless.  
>> No problem. I will try using it a lot this week at work to see if the  
>> slow connection happens at work.
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