[MacTUG] Feb MacTUG - we may need an alternative meeting room

Richard Crispin rcrispin at sju-serv1.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 16 14:35:44 EST 2010

Having not heard of a room being booked I have booked the Board room at St. Jerome's. It is room 3020 on the third floor of the teaching/admin building. The room is booked until 11 am on Tues. Feb. 23.

On Feb 10, 2010, at 02:15 PM, Ian Turner wrote:

> I think it is DC1568  but no clue about how to book it - Lawrence has previously for our department meetings, but he is off sick today
> it doesn't seem to be in Bookit
> On 2010/02/10 14:07 , Dani Roloson wrote:
>> What about the one off the DC library?
>> Dani

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