[MacTUG] Snow Leopard

Sandra Laughlin laughlin at ist.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 2 11:38:16 EST 2010

Good morning

I just received the new contract from Apple for our campus renewal. The
renewal date on this is December 18 2009 until December 17 2012.

Our last contract had a expiry date of December 1 2009 but Apple extended it
a couple of weeks due to changes in the contract.

Why am I telling you all this you wonder - well because we could have had
Snow Leopard available in the CHIP for those 17 days of December under the
old contract.

So to compensate for this, you can upgrade to Snow Leopard until February
15th under the old contract.

You must bring your proof of purchase to the CHIP for a free upgrade and
please deal with Chandrika.

If you have already purchased Snow Leopard and were under the old agreement,
then you are entitled to a refund. 

After the 15th, we will be on the new contract.

If you have questions, please let me know.



Sandra Laughlin

License Coordinator

University of Waterloo

519-888-4567 x32014

laughlin at uwaterloo.ca


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