[MacTUG] X11 SDK on Snow Leopard

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Tue Apr 13 16:11:29 EDT 2010

I suspect there some piece of information I am missing wondering....

rdesktop is excellent solution if your on Solaris, Linux or other unix with X11 trying to make a Windows thin client connection using rdp protocol but on Mac OS X why wouldn't you use the free...

Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac 2

No idea why it isn't happy. It should compile and work on Mac OS X X11 as well.

Dani which version of developer tools have you installed?

Wondering if it a 32bit/64bit thing?


On 2010-04-13, at 3:47 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:

> Trying to run the configure for rdesktop, I get:
>  checking for X... no
>  ERROR: Could not find X Window System headers/libraries.
>  To specify paths manually, use the options --x-includes and --x-libraries.
> I poked around under /Developer ... not too sure what to look for.
> Reran the Xcode installer ... I should have installed everything but
> the 10.4 Support. Discovered a hidden Packages folder beside the Installer
> and ran the X11SDK.pkg but still not happy.
> Read the configure file and found the first place it looks is
> /usr/X11/include
> which has the stuff ... no idea why it isn't happy.
> Dani
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Steve Hellyer
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