[MacTUG] Podcasting from windows

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Mon Apr 12 14:47:21 EDT 2010

Dani is partially correct.  You can upload completed podcasts from any client that can run a browser. However a browser even with Java can't capture Windows OS screen, camera with audio (thanks goodness as that might be a big security vector).  So you need Windows software to actually perform the podcast capture on Windows, or other desktop OS.

As Podcast Producer can only handle Quicktime compatible formats by default (MPEG-4/H.264, AAC, MP3, AIFF audio etc) it's best to select software on the Windows side that can save for Quicktime on Windows platform. Good example would be Camtasia. http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.asp

Once you have captured your podcast on teh Windows machine you can then upload your file to Podcast Producer via broswer and it will put it through your workflow to add University branding etc...

Another way is to run VM (Parallels or VMare fusion) on a Mac and capture using normal built-in podcast producer client.

What if your podcast are not in Quicktime Compatible format? Say Real Media or Window Media Format? 

You can add on additional software to Mac OS X server (and thus Podcast Producer server) which will handle the various formats you might encounter.  Episode Podcast from Telestream adds the appropriate encoder and decoder to Podcast Producer to handle various video formats both as input and for output as well.


Best way to go depend on number of clients, number of podcasts, desired inputs and outputs formats and budget.

Hope this helps!


On 2010-04-12, at 1:33 PM, Dani Roloson wrote:

> I thought there was a web-interface for that but I was busying
> eating that week. 8-)
> http://www.apple.com/server/macosx/features/podcast-producer.html
> "And the new web podcast capture allows you to remotely capture and
> upload audio and video movies to a Podcast Producer server for encoding
> and publishing using any modern web browser on your Mac, PC, or
> iPhone."
> Dani
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Steve Hellyer
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