[MacTUG] Fwd: Snow Leopard tech talk

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 22 11:41:15 EDT 2009

I just tried it and the registration form seems to have worked for me.

I am using FF 3.5.3 on a Tiger 10.4.11 iMac.

Give it another try,

On 22/10/09 12:26 AM, Richard Crispin wrote:
> Hi All
> I got this from Phil at Apple. If you plan on attending please register.
> Go to here <http://www.campustech.uwaterloo.ca/home.html> and click on
> register now. OR go to http://edseminars.apple.com/event/2074 and
> register directly. Be sure to fill out all the information. Apple is
> picky that way.
> Richard
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Philip Hume <hume at apple.com>
>> Date: October 21, 2009 11:13:06 AM EDT
>> To: Richard Crispin <rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca>
>> Subject: Re: Snow Leopard tech talk
>> Hi Richard,
>> I noticed that we have no MacTUG registrants for this event. At
>> minimum, I need to know numbers so that we have the right amount of
>> food, but, also so we don't overfill the room. People are coming from
>> off campus, so I don't want to overbook.
>> Ideally, if everyone could register themselves, that would be best. At
>> minimum, if you can give me an idea of numbers from MacTUG - that
>> would be OK - although we might double count if some register and you
>> also include them in your number. So, individual registration is safest.
>> Sorry for the overhead. Looking forward to seeing you all again.
>> Phil
>> PS> new MacMini server looks kinda interesting
>> On 2009-10-13, at 3:32 PM, Philip Hume wrote:
>>> Hi Richard,
>>> The TechShop has booked Needles Hall room 1116 for October 27th from
>>> 9-12.
>>> The room holds 33 people and is quite new/nice. That would hold the
>>> normal MacTUG gang plus other invitees. As Steve suggests, might be a
>>> way to build your membership.
>>> We have budget to provide a continental breakfast and snacks and will
>>> do all the registration.
>>> Is this all OK with you and MacTUG?
>>> Phil
>>> On 2009-09-28, at 5:39 PM, Steve Hellyer wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> Let me check with Phil Hume. We have a Tech series beginning for
>>>> Education which this is part of. I would very much like the first
>>>> one to be at UWaterloo/SJU and wanted to coordinate for MacTUG
>>>> group. However, believe we need to post on our website for
>>>> registration etc...
>>>> Perhaps we can use this to advertise membership in MacTUG at the
>>>> same time???
>>>> I am working on the technical parts of presentations... If the
>>>> MacTUG has any Snow Leopard question they would like covered feel
>>>> free to forward and will try hard to cover in my material.
>>>> Will email you soon as I chat with Phil.
>>>> Steve
>>>> On 2009-09-27, at 10:16 PM, Richard Crispin wrote:
>>>>> Hi Steve
>>>>> Our October meeting will be on Oct 27 at 9:15. We usually go to
>>>>> 10:30 but if we know we will need longer then that can be arranged.
>>>>> We will be meeting this Tuesday (29th) so I will bring this up with
>>>>> the group.
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> On Sep 25, 2009, at 09:25 AM, Steve Hellyer wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>>>> Looking to come and talk about Snow Leopard 10.6 with the Mactug
>>>>>> group. When are you meeting in October? Also remind me again how
>>>>>> long you typically allocate for meetings. Looking to tailor
>>>>>> something for the group.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Steve Hellyer
>>>>>> Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
>>>>>> Education Division (Higher Education)
>>>>>> Apple Canada Inc.
>>>>>> 7495 Birchmount Rd.
>>>>>> Markham, Ontario, Canada
>>>>>> L3R 5G2
>>>>>> PH: (905)513-5647
>>>>>> Mailto: shellyer at apple.com or Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com
>>>>>> Apple Training website
>>>>>> http://training.apple.com/
>>>>>> AppleCare Online Support
>>>>>> http://www.apple.com/ca/support/
>>>>>> AppleCare Technical Phone Support
>>>>>> 1-800-263-3394 (basic up and running support)
>>>>>> AppleCare Enterprise Level Support
>>>>>> http://www.apple.com/ca/support/products/
>>>>>> AppleCare Service Locations (Canada)
>>>>>> http://wheretobuy.apple.com/ca_locator/service.html

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