[MacTUG] [Fwd: Re: Snow Leopard tech talk]

Edward Chrzanowski CSCF echrzano at cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 14 06:01:44 EDT 2009

> I got the following from Phil. This is at the same time as our meeting. 
> Should we just have this rather than our regular meeting?
> Richard
> The TechShop has booked Needles Hall room 1116 for October 27th from  
> 9-12.
> The room holds 33 people and is quite new/nice.  That would hold the  
> normal MacTUG gang plus other invitees. As Steve suggests, might be a  
> way to build your membership.
> We have budget to provide a continental breakfast and snacks and will  
> do all the registration.
> Is this all OK with you and MacTUG?
> Phil

Sounds like a great idea.  We should ask colleagues to attend.

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