[MacTUG] Time Machine, OS X Servers and subnets

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 23 14:50:38 EST 2009

I believe Don is looking to support/connect two 129.97.x.y networks to  
the mini.

 From what I have read this does work fine ( properly configured ) at  
other sites, so hopefully UW's network would work as well.

You are correct that one should talk to one's network support person  
about how to properly configure such a setup.

On 23-Nov-09, at 2:25 PM, Mike Patterson wrote:

> I'm not sure what you're thinking here, but if both networks you're
> thinking of are 129.97.x.y you run a chance of creating a layer 2 loop
> and causing an outage on the campus network.
> Tread lightly with machines that have two network interfaces.  :-)
> Before considering this, I'd talk to your local network admin,  
> assuming
> that's not yourself.

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