[MacTUG] FYI: Safari ( on Mac ) asking to install a font

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 12 11:19:05 EST 2009

The following alert came up on a user's system when browsing to a Web  

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While it is good to see such warnings I guess. It is kind of a  
confusing message.

It first says the font is not installed, then asks if Safari can use  
this font. But the font isn't installed so how can it be used? is the  
question I got.

It think it really wants to ask the user if the font can be installed,  
but if so then it should say where the font is coming from maybe.

This might be a new feature of the latest Safari, as that was just  
installed on the system via auto updates. If so this sort of message  
might be popping up more frequently.

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