[MacTUG] OS X Server Monitoring

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Wed May 20 11:55:14 EDT 2009

Hi Jeff,

Think part of what you looking for is built in to hardware of Xserve  

Server Monitor....
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In addition to this you could have Launchd monitor a software process...

This facility was called watchdogd in Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier server  

Lingon-GUI for creating/editing launchd configuration files

Also don't forget Server admin provides some data on use as well.

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Also also there is a Server Status Widgets which get installed when  
you install the server admin tools on a client system.

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Sorry if my screen shots don't come through the list.


On 20-May-09, at 11:02 AM, Jeff Dunnett wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone know of any good server monitoring packages (either
> commercial or open source) for OS X monitor?  I am specifically
> looking for software monitor.  A package that will send warnings when
> processing fail, monitor disk and hardware usage etc?
> Regards,
> Jeff
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Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
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Mailto: shellyer at apple.com or Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

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