[MacTUG] Mac Boot Problem

Stephen Markan smarkan at ist.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 2 14:28:44 EST 2009

Hello Mac people!

I have a mac running MaxOS X 4.11 and it will boot into single user mode,
but I can't get it to boot into the GUI. It goes through all the normal boot
routine and then the expected "Login Window" with all the usernames does not
appear - instead the system sits displaying the progress bar for the boot at
99.9% filled in and the mouse cursor spinning madly away.

Looking at the log files I see the following messages:
/System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/ Contents/MacOS/loginwindow
port /dev/console exited abnormally:
Segmentation fault] [Level 4] [UID -2] [GID -2]
[PID -1] [Message getty repeating too quickly on port /dev/console,
sleeping] [Level 4] [UID -2] [GID -2]
Any ideas? As far as I can see and as far as the user tells me there have
been no changes to the system other than  someone borrowed the monitor for a
few days and then brought it back. Not sure that is relevant to anything but
one never knows!

I also am seeing these errors:
kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGXOrderWindow: Operation on a window 0x1 not owned
by caller SecurityAgent
CGXRestartSessionWorkspace: session workspace exited for session 256 ( on
console )
loginwindow connection closed; closing server.
Server is starting up
CGXMappedDisplayStart: Unit 0: no display alias property
CGXMappedDisplayStart: Unit 1: no display alias property

Sharing had been enabled and so we can mount the harddisk via another mac
and copy off all the user data and do a clean install but just wondering if
there is an easier fix

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