[MacTUG] Safari 4 - long delays in loading pages

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 18 09:34:31 EDT 2009

I am finding that with Safari 4 that at times it just "stalls" for  
quite some time when loading up a page, and one gets the loading with  
spinning "wheel". Eventually it loads.

This happens to all kinds of pages, and if after the page loads, one  
can click reload and it reloads the page instantly. Also, I have  
experimented and when to the same page ( same machine ) with both  
Safari and Firefox. Firefox will have no problem getting the page, but  
Safari will sit there loading the page for a minute before finally  
presenting the page.

This is happening on 3 machines, so it isn't a machine thing.

Anyone else observe this behaviour?

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