[MacTUG] Mac Mail showing hidden folders

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 9 09:35:23 EDT 2009

I suspect there is a preference re hidden

more importantly, you just might be hammering the server accidentally

We had an RT on our system where Apple Mail was directed toward the root 
of someone's  (actually several) home directories, and just thrashed the 
server looking for mail folders and messages

The solution:
have a mail subdirectory on the host, and have all your IMAP mail 
folders within it
Then set the preference in Mail.app to tell it to only look at that 
"mail" folder

Jeff Dunnett wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using Mac mail to connect to my math UNIX account using IMAP.  It  
> seems to be showing hidden files and folders.  Ones with a . in from  
> of them like .profile or .mailrc.  Is there a way to tell Mac mail  
> not to show these folders?  I've been searching and suspect am  
> missing an easy solution to the problem.
> Regards,
> Jeff
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