[MacTUG] FYI: Fusion 3.0.1 upgrade

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Dec 11 15:25:28 EST 2009

Here are the highlights...

Highlighted New and Improved Features

Faster 3D performance, with Windows Experience scores 20-80% faster  
than before on Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Reduced time for resuming virtual machines
Supports import of standalone VHD disks into VMware virtual machines
Supports import of Parallels Desktop 5 virtual machines into VMware  
virtual machines
New 64-bit native networking subsystem to match the 64-bit native engine
PC Migration Agent and Migration Assistant Improvements

Adds support for Windows Server 2008 R2
Installer localized into all supported languages
Shows progress that VMware Tools are being installed in last step of  
migrating the PC
Does not automatically show the PC Migration Agent application in the  
resulting virtual machine
Adds only one network adapter to imported PC virtual machines
Unity View Improvements

"Always On" Applications menu defaults to the active virtual machine,  
and if more than one virtual machine is running, the menu defaults to  
the one that has focus
Fixes a problem in which the "Always On" Application menu was not  
populated in some cases
Improves the Aero-in-Unity experience with better interactive  
performance and easier readability of window titles
Improves Unity view interactive performance for 32-bit Windows  
applications running on 64-bit Windows operating systems
Ability to dismiss system tray menus in Unity view with only one click
Small mouse wheel scroll increments work correctly in Unity view
Fixes keyboard focus issues in Unity view when multiple windows are  
opened and closed
Fixes a problem in which Adobe Fireworks, Photoshop, and some other  
applications would drop out of Unity view, causing the Waiting for  
Unity window to appear
Fixes a problem in which VMware Fusion would fail when processing very  
large icons from Windows applications
Fixes a problem in which VMware Fusion could not create Windows  
applications in the dock for those with really long application names
Shared/Mirrored Folders Improvements

Outlook 2007 preview works with Mirrored Folders enabled
Applications no longer crash when saving exceedingly long path and  
file names with mapped drives
Saving files in shared folders with a PC using ZoneAlarm antivirus  
software no longer causes Windows to fail
WDDM (Windows Vista and Windows 7) Graphics Improvements

Windows Experience graphics scores are 20-80% better than VMware  
Fusion 3.0
Greatly improved HD video playback for Windows Vista and Windows 7
Older games (including Diablo II, Homeworld, and others) play now on  
Windows Vista and Windows 7
Windows Media Player no longer stretches video
Fuzzy text in Windows Aero is fixed
Interactive performance on ATI video cards with Aero is greatly  
improved in combination with Mac OS X 10.6.2
Windows 7 no longer boots to an incorrect resolution
General Graphics Improvements

Fixes fuzzy text in WPF applications
Improved 3D performance
Linux Improvements

Adds support for Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit and 64-bit editions, including  
Easy Install and Unity view
Fixes choppy sound problems with newest Linux guests with kernel  
version 2.6.30+
Fixes Easy Install problems when double quotes were used in password
Improves Tools support for latest 2.6.z kernels
FreeBSD Improvements

Prebuilt modules for FreeBSD 8.x
Mac OS X Server Improvements

Faster boot times for Mac OS X Server guests
Other Fixes and Improvements

Multicore support for Windows 7 works correctly for all editions of  
Windows 7. Previously it did not work for Windows Home Premium, Home  
Basic, and Starter editions
Fixes a performance problem in which Spotlight would continually  
search the Mac for virtual machines when the Virtual Machine Library  
was left open, causing slow downs
Fixes a problem in which the VMware Tools included with VMware Fusion  
2.0.5 would not be updated correctly
Fixes a problem in which it was not possible to use a CD drive on  
certain hardware-specific versions of Mac OS X 10.6.1. This is also  
fixed by upgrading to Mac OS X 10.6.2
Fixes a problem in which the ThinPrint driver would cause printing  
problems in 64-bit Windows Boot Camp partitions
Favorite virtual machine opens correctly when launching VMware Fusion 3
Contains a fix for Link State Propagation for bridged networking that  
previously failed, in some cases, after installing VMware Fusion 3.0
Fixes a problem in which you could not switch Spaces desktops away  
from a full-screen virtual machine if the Full Screen view title bar  
was hidden
Fixes miscellaneous memory leaks in the VMware Fusion UI and during  
AutoProtect snapshots
Speeds up navigation in the Virtual Machine Library when you have 10  
or more virtual machines
Removes console log spew by VMware Fusion Helper
In the Preview window, the View mode buttons show enabled and selected  
Fixes black flash when suspending a virtual machine in Single Window  
Virtual Machine Library and Preview window previously had poor quality  
for European language users

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