[MacTUG] OS renewal

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Dec 1 14:41:30 EST 2009

Hi Sandra,

I have a meeting on Wednesday's at that time. In a pinch, I could attend for half an hour or so.


On 01/12/09 2:11 PM, Sandra Laughlin wrote:
> Afternoon macTuggers
> The license model for our current OS model is changing and I would like to
> have a meeting with as many members of the group as possible to discuss our
> options.
> We can also touch on server licensing if time permits.
> I have scheduled a meeting for next Wednesday December 9th at 3pm in MC2015.
> Can you please respond if you can or cannot attend - if the majority of you
> cannot, then I will try another time.
> If you know of others that would be interested in attending, please forward
> the email on to them.
> Thanks!
> Sandy
> Sandra Laughlin
> License Coordinator
> University of Waterloo
> 519-888-4567 x32014
> laughlin at uwaterloo.ca

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