[MacTUG] Mac Usage high on UW's wireless network

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Aug 12 09:23:35 EDT 2009

Note, the iphone usage as well.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [engcomp] Minuwet Statistics August 2009
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 13:33:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: Erick Engelke <erick at engmail.uwaterloo.ca>
To: Engineering Computing <engcomp at engmail.uwaterloo.ca>

I have a web page with statistics collected by minuwet over the last month.


Here is the text from that web page.

Minuwet Statistics
August 2009
Erick Engelke
Engineering Computing

Minuwet was enabled on the campus Aruba environment this term.  In addition to providing network access control, it provides us with useful data about client machines.

There were about 152,000 logins by 11,970 users during the last 30 days.

87% of the logins are running minuwet.  The other 13% are not; they either do not use the Internet or are using 802.1X for which minuwet is not presently enabled.

OS Breakdown (of total minuwet userids)
-	Windows 65%
-	Macs 15%
-	iPhone 11%
-	Linux 9%
-	Smart Phones (including iPhone, Blackberry) 12%

The breakdown is not totally accurate, several users dual boot or use virtualization to run multiple operating systems.

While Windows dominates, MacOS is proving very popular and Linux can't be ignored.  From this we learn campus software purchases should consider Mac compatibility whenever possible.

The 1604 iPhones vastly outnumbered the 168 blackberries on our wireless networks.

Of the devices claiming to be Windows,
-	16% fail minuwet
-	53% pass minuwet
-	32% don't run minuwet

The 32% which don't run minuwet either choose not to run it, or have javascript turned off on their browser. Some security people (like Reg) recommend people turn off javascript.

The breakdown of Windows web browsers is
-	Gecko (firefox) 45%
-	MS IE 42%
-	Chrome 9%
-	Opera 0.9%
-	Safari 0.7%

Some users use multiple browsers.

The breakdown of all web browsers for all operating systems is
-	Gecko (firefox) 40 %
-	MS IE 30%
-	Safari 9%
-	iPhone 9%
-	Chrome 7%
-	Opera 5%

Again, some users use multiple browsers.

Erick Engelke                                           erick at uwaterloo.ca
Director                                                          PHY-3013
Engineering Computing                                (519) 885-1211 x35893
University of Waterloo                  http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~erick

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