[MacTUG] John DeTroye's Tips & Tricks for Macintosh Management - Leopard

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Sep 30 15:02:39 EDT 2008

Tips & Tricks for Macintosh Management - Leopard
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Leopard T&T doc has a few changes in format from the earlier Mac OS X versions. I took out any sections on imaging, and tried to pull the setup in tighter. There are too many things to cover in imaging, and so much of it involves 3rd party tools, that I decided to separate that out. My focus in this doc was to cover the keys points of MCX, why Leopard is important, mobile accounts, and PHDs (portable home directories).

Some of the very cool features are:

   1. -Preference Manifests within the Managed Client app itself
   2. -External accounts as part of the mobility settings
   3. -Collaboration and workflow (more on that in the doc and here later)

In case you are lost - click on the image above to read the pdf, or right-click to download the doc.

Enjoy, comment, and make sure you also look through the official docs.


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