[MacTUG] iPhone Developer - University Program

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Mon Sep 22 12:10:10 EDT 2008

On 19 Sep 2008,  Apple USA launched the iPhone Developer - University  
Program, a free program designed for higher education institutions  
looking to introduce curriculum for developing iPhone or iPod touch  

You can learn more about this program at:

Apple Canada would very much like to see this program extended into  
Canada Higher Education. I myself would like to see University of  
Waterloo take a lead in this area.  I need your help to make the case  
to have this program at UWaterloo. There is no cost to the institution  
for this program just a strong desire to be leaders in this area.

To that end if you have plan in this area I would be interested  
1. name of professor who plans to teach COCOA Touch.
2. When they plan on teaching the course
3. How many students do they think they will attract

With thanks,

Steve Hellyer
Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
Education Division (Higher Education)
Apple Canada Inc.
7495 Birchmount Rd.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
L3R 5G2

PH: (905)513-5647
Mailto: shellyer at apple.com or Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com

Apple Training website

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AppleCare Technical Phone Support
1-800-263-3394  (basic up and running support)

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AppleCare Service Locations (Canada)

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