[MacTUG] 10.5: Re-enable remote X viewing in 10.5.5

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 18 11:05:42 EDT 2008

Not sure if this is important to any of us, but thought I would pass  
it along.

10.5: Re-enable remote X viewing in 10.5.5

When you upgrade to OS X 10.5.5, remote X viewing (via X11) gets  
disabled. This is fine for most people, however for those of us who  
use remote apps, it's a pain. The following defaults setting will  
take care of the issue. In Terminal, issue this command:
defaults write org.x.X11 nolisten_tcp 0

Glenn Anderson
Client Services, IST
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On
519-888-4567 x33327
anderson at uwaterloo.ca

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