[MacTUG] Mac OS X 10.5 Install DVD won't install on a MacBook

Steve Hellyer phasetwo at apple.com
Fri May 2 07:49:05 EDT 2008

Hi Glenn,

Yes that can bit confusing.  I'll try to explain.  There is a central  
core OS development team and then each hardware product OS development  
team as well.  The hardware product development team develops the  
specific drivers & OS changes to handle changes in hardware. The OS  
will dynamically load or not load drivers at boot time. The most  
current hardware has an OS which has drivers to handle the new  
hardware plus any previous supported machines.  The installer that  
comes with that new hardware will check to make sure your not trying  
to use that installer on older/other hardware.

If you go to "About this Mac" under the Apple Menu you will see the  
version number.  If you click on the version number you will see the  
Build number.  There can be several builds of each version number.  
Click on it again and you will get the hardware serial number.
Quite often (but not always) you see build number change with a  
software update (depends on type of update).

Major changes to OS from core team result in the .X (eg 10.5.3)  
updates it incorporate all the changes from previous .x release. The  
hardware team changes also get rolled in to these major updates. (I  
think in windows world this would be called a service pack.)

Hope this helps!


On 1-May-08, at 8:13 PM, Glenn Anderson wrote:

> Steve,
> After I couldn't get it to install, the original disk were tracked  
> down and the reinstall went fine.
> As this model came with 10.5, I had assumed that the Retail version  
> of 10.5 would have worked. If it had come with 10.5.1 or higher, I  
> would have expected problems.
> Thanks.
> Glenn

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