[MacTUG] Fwd: Disable Time Machine asking to use disk.

Richard Crispin rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 26 20:16:04 EDT 2008

Begin forwarded message:
> From: Steve Hellyer <phasetwo at apple.com>
> Date: March 26, 2008 5:02:53 PM GMT-04:00
> To: Donald Duff-McCracken <dsmccrac at fesmail.uwaterloo.ca>, Richard  
> Crispin <rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca>, Dani Roloson <daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca 
> >, Glenn Anderson <anderson at uwaterloo.ca>, Edward Chrzanowski CSCF <echrzano at cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca 
> >
> Subject: Disable Time Machine asking to use disk.
> Hi Guy's:
> Don't recall who asked about how to disable Time Machine asking to  
> use external drive every time one is plugged in. But here is the  
> answer.
> Open Terminal and enter....
> defaults write com.apple.TimeMachine DoNotOfferNewDisksForBackup - 
> bool YES
> Or you could sent this as a UNIX command in Apple Remote Desktop to  
> an entire lab of computers and nail them all at once.
> Or make this change on the computer your creating a master lab  
> images on.
> This is not necessary if you already use Time Machine and picked a  
> disk.
> Please pass this on to others in the group. Is there a MacTug  
> mailing list???
> Cheers,
> Steve
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Steve Hellyer
> Pre-Sales Systems Engineer
> Education Division (Higher Education)
> Apple Canada Inc.
> 7495 Birchmount Rd.
> Markham, Ontario, Canada
> L3R 5G2
> PH: (905)513-5647
> Mailto: shellyer at apple.com or Mailto: phasetwo at apple.com
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> http://training.apple.com/
> AppleCare Online Support
> http://www.apple.com/ca/support/
> AppleCare Technical Phone Support
> 1-800-263-3394  (basic up and running support)
> AppleCare Enterprise Level Support
> http://www.apple.com/ca/support/products/
> AppleCare Service Locations (Canada)
> http://wheretobuy.apple.com/ca_locator/service.html

Richard Crispin           E-Mail:rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca
Info Systems Admin        Phone:519-884-8110 ext 28260
St. Jerome's Univeristy   Cell: 519-897-6222
290 Westmount Rd N        FAX:519-725-0015
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G3
When I die I'd like to die the way my grandfather died, peacefully in  
his sleep...
     ... not screaming and shouting, like his passengers.
"Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!" Archibald Asparagus,  
"Time, heat and pressure. The same things that make a diamond also  
make a waffle." Scott Meyer
"Every morning is the dawn of a new error." unknown

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