[MacTUG] MacBook Air with external monitor, problems with wireless network

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 17 14:19:36 EDT 2008

I have come across a problem with a user with a MacBook Air with an  
external monitor attached having speed issue with their wireless  
network connection.

Apparently, this is fairly common. For example, here is someone  
else's description of the problem...

"I have an MB Air, connected to a Apple 20" display.

With the external display connected, the wireless traffic slows to  
crawl. So slow that file shares behave erratically and even display  
of apple.com takes a minute.

Why? I have no clue, but it does. Remove the external display , all  
is perfect. Plug it in again, network traffic slow."


The solution to this situation is to change the channel on the  
wireless base. Channel 3 seems to be the most recommended one.

When the person above tried Channel 3 everything worked. Here is  
their reply to the forum discussion on this

"I changed the wireless channel and all is well. Linksys WRTG54G was  
on channel 13, now on channel 3.

Strange. I had identical physical setup with my Macbook Pro and no  
issues at all."

Glenn Anderson
Client Services, IST
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On
519-888-4567 x33327
anderson at uwaterloo.ca

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