[MacTUG] Eudora attachment links break during migration

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Mar 12 12:47:37 EDT 2008

>From http://eudorabb.qualcomm.com/printthread.php?t=10417&page=5&pp=10

 Broken links to attachments with long filenames that result from
 Eudora's (silly) hash-encoding of long filenames... when moving your
 Eudora Folder (i.e. mail and attachments) from one computer to another
 (e.g. synchronizing mail between laptop and desktop, or getting a new
 computer, or whatever), Eudora loses its links to attachments whose
 names were hash-encoded (i.e. that have long filenames). The hash
 function apparently relies on some computer- or drive-specific
 parameter OTHER than just the full path and filename, which is what
 causes this problem.

A complicated solution is


The successor to Eudora is described at
but doesn't seem too far along.

The email would contain something like
Macintosh HD:incredibly long#956A45.doc
so the user has to look in the attachment folder
for a file starting with "incredibly".

In the future, we'll try moving the user to Apple Mail before the
migration to see how well it goes.

Dani Roloson

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