[MacTUG] FYI: Office 2008 vs. iWork vs. NeoOffice vs. OpenOffice

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 4 10:26:00 EST 2008

The $10 price was mentioned in the article, I assume that is the  
price (US) for education site licensing (which would be just the  
license, not the manual/disks/packaging/etc that one gets when buying  
from the store).
If you want the exact educational costs, you would have to check with  
Sandra Laughlin.

Note:  The $10 does sound reasonable, as one can buy the family pack  
for $99 (Educational from Apple) and use it for 5 computers, so that  
works out to $20 a copy, and that does include a CD/manual/packaging/ 

On 4-Mar-08, at 10:05 AM, Mike Patterson wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Glenn Anderson wrote on 3/4/08 8:25 AM:
> | One interesting point was how inexpensive it is to get iWork for
> | academic pricing, a $10 a license it is quite a bargain.
> Where would we find it for $10 (even US) a license?  CTS has it for  
> $59,
> which is still cheaper than Apple's price ($71) or Microsoft Office  
> ($80
> from IST for 2004), but still, makes it much less feasible to buy both
> "just in case".
> Mike
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Glenn Anderson
Client Services, IST
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On
519-888-4567 x33327
anderson at uwaterloo.ca

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