[MacTUG] FYI: Office 2008 vs. iWork vs. NeoOffice vs. OpenOffice

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 4 08:25:42 EST 2008

Came across this review between the various "Office" suites available  
for the Mac.

One interesting point was how inexpensive it is to get iWork for  
academic pricing, a $10 a license it is quite a bargain.


Here is the bottom line:

The bottom line:
iWork is very slick and integrates well brilliantly with iLife. It’s  
easy to use, but powerful enough for serious users. However, it’s  
lack of compatibility with open file formats is of concern. Office  
2008 is also slick and highly functional but not nearly as effortless  
to navigate. Even with academic pricing (iWork is priced around $10/ 
license academic versus almost $70/license for Office), Office is a  
bit pricey and hard to justify when cheaper or free alternatives  
exist. OpenOffice for the Mac really isn’t worth a second look right  
now given its lack of integration and compatibility. NeoOffice has  
its niggles, but is generally a solid, easy to use office suite. Even  
if you choose iWork of Office, it should be installed on all of your  
users’ machines to ensure compatibility with their students. It could  
certainly stand alone, as well, but the relatively inexpensive iWork  
is a hard bit of kit to pass up.
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