[MacTUG] Changing a File's Mime-type

jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jan 16 21:11:26 EST 2008

Hello Folks,

I know this is an unusual request but I was wondering if anyone knew  
how to change the primary mime-type of a file?  Specifically I want to  
change the mime type of a a file so that a file that has a mime type  
of "application/pdf" has a mime type of "image/pdf".

I am trying to fix a bug in a web application of ours.  The user is  
trying to upload a PDF file with that has a primary mime type of  
"image/pdf".  I believe that I have a solution to the problem but I am  
having problems testing the solution because I don't have a file with  
a mime type of "image/pdf".  The reason for this is because while on  
the users computer the file's mime type is "image/pdf" when the user  
tries to e-mail me the file it's mime type is changed to  

Thanks for you help.


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