[MacTUG] Can we decompress "FFIL" font to "ttf"?

Terry Bae thbae at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 7 14:36:47 EST 2008

Dear Mactug

I am having problem with Reportmill8 and Tiger Server.

The Reportmill is generating PDF reports but it is not generating PDF  
reports with right font which encoded to use.
Therefore I questioned to Reportmill for this problem and has not got  
any feedback yet.
Meantime, I figured out the fonts do not working Reportmill are  
capsulated with FFIL suitcase.
So, I am thinking of having those FFIL fonts decompressed  
individually to get work with Reportmill8.

Otherwise, if you have better solution comparing my intention, please  
let me know.

With Thanks and Best Regards


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