[MacTUG] Quadra 800 - system 7.1. Need MacTCP on 800k floppy

Jim Tremain jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Apr 11 09:23:36 EDT 2008

Thanks very much Keith,

   If I have problems I will let you know.  My only problem right now is 
contacting the owner to arrange some time on the computer.

   Jim Tremain, B2 Rm 147B            Phone: (519) 885-1211 ext. 36420
   Biology, Univ. of Waterloo         EMAIL: jim at sciborg.uwaterloo.ca
   Waterloo, ON, CANADA
   N2L 3G1

On Thu, 10 Apr 2008, Keith McGowan wrote:

> If it's the type of ethernet port I think it might be, I have a Farallon TX 
> transceiver that you
> could try.  I'll send it to you via interoffice mail.
> ...Keith
> Paul Henderson wrote:
>> I have some ancient Mac software on an external hard disk (SCSI), which I 
>> could let you borrow.  I think it has all of the stuff you need.  It may 
>> even have Mac system software back to v6.x.  I used to have MacTCP on a 
>> floppy, but I think I discarded all of my old floppies.
>> Paul

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