[MacTUG] FYI: Parallels Desktop - 3.0 Build 5160.0 out - lots of upgrades

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Sep 12 12:53:17 EDT 2007

What's new in this version:
Coherence 3.0 changes:
Each Windows application window opens as a separate Mac window
Correct Z-order support for all windows
Expose support
Mac-style drop shadow support (foreground window has deeper shadow)
Transparent windows support
Minimize windows to Mac Dock support
Coherence performance improvement
Bringing Windows notifications to front
Silent boot in Coherence mode when clicking on virtual machine alias
Virtualization Engine:
General virtual machine performance optimization
Significant CPU usage improvement
Memory management improvement: support for more than 4GB of RAM for  
multiple virtual machines
Maximum memory size available for a virtual machine increased from  
1.5GB to 2GB
Shared User Profile - Use your Mac Desktop and Documents/Pictures/ 
Music folders as Desktop and My Documents/My Pictures/My Music in  
Map Shared Folders to Windows drives letters - Automatically map and  
access your Shared Folders using Windows drive letters
Multi-user support - Share your virtual machines with other Mac OS X  
Recycle Bin integration - Ability to drag and drop files from Windows  
to Mac OS X trash bin
Empty Windows Recycle Bin - Empty Windows recylcle bin directly from  
the Application menu
Show Windows Desktop - Show Windows desktop in Coherence mode  
directly from the Application menu
Configurable Sound - Allows you to use headset within virtual machine  
with highest sound quality
Change Sound Device on the fly - Change input and output sound  
devices connected to virtual machine on the fly via menu or status  
bar icon
Boot Camp compatible key mapping - Boot Camp key combinations  
substitute specific Windows keys like Insert, Print Screen and so on
Virtual keyboard – send key combinations to virtual machine in one  
Keyboard passthrough support when assistive devices are on - Keyboard  
passthrough mode when assistive devices support is enabled in  
Universal Access preferences
Apple iPhone support - synchronize contacts, scheduler, mail and  
media between your Windows virtual machine and your iPhone
Parallels Transporter - Migrate your Linux PC to a Parallels virtual  
Parallels Mounter - Double-click Parallels virtual disks and mount  
them to Mac Desktop to access Windows files and folders using Finder  
(even if the virtual machine is not running)
Parallels Explorer
Suspended virtual machines support
Improved drag-and-drop, copying/deleting operations
Parallels Image Tool - Manages properties of your virtual disk image
Changes your virtual disk format and properties Primary OS support
Latest Leopard versions may become unusable after installing  
Parallels Desktop - fixed
Uninstaller doesn't work on Leopard 9a499 and 9a500n - fixed
Stability and resources usage
Overall CPU and memory resources usage - optimized
Kernel Panics on Mac Mini when VT-x is disabled - fixed
Some fatal errors during virtual machine startup - fixed
Fatal error during browsing some websites - fixed
Windows 98 high CPU usage - fixed
HDD file corruption after changing the format of the virtual hard  
disk - fixed
Choppy sound in Windows Media Player 11 in Vista – fixed
Running 3D applications may freeze iMac with ATI Radeon 2600 graphic  
card - fixed
"Show/Hide Windows Taskbar" option - improved
Transparent windows display incorrectly - fixed
Issues during windows moving - fixed
Windows moving speed - improved
Parallels Tools
Large screen resolutions support - added
Parallels Tools Center CPU usage - optimized
Parallels Tools Center crashes caused by some applications - fixed
Mouse scrolling problem in Adobe Acrobat 8 - fixed
Parallels Tools Center in Windows 95 can't be started due to a  
missing symbol - fixed
SmartSelect and Shared Applications
In rare cases Parallels Desktop crashes on Parallels Tools updating  
if "Share Mac Applications to Windows" option enabled - fixed
Incorrect Shared Web Applications state after build upgrade - fixed
Can't edit SmartSelect options for paused virtual machine - fixed
Disks and folders sharing
Shared folders may become unavailable after resume - fixed
Video and 3D
Several segmentation faults during playing games - fixed
Crashes of some applications caused by DirectX drivers - fixed
Parallels Desktop window resizing issues - fixed
DirectX and OpenGL performance - improved
Force Suspend for OpenGL – added (you can suspend virtual machine  
with running OpenGL applications)
Parallels Explorer&Mounter
Mounter as a default application for browsing HDD files
Drag-and-drop issues due to some Unicode problems - fixed
Extentional searching procedure for Columns and Tree views - added
Command+Up и Command+Down support - added
Columns view: listing the same column items using the keyboard  
shortcuts - added
Sorting - improved
Parallels Image Tool
Increasing capacity of expanding and plain(!) virtual disks - added
Converting virtual disks from expanding to plain and vice versa - added
Converting HDD file format from 2.5 version to 3.0 and vice versa -  

Glenn Anderson
Client Services, IST
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On
519-888-4567 x33327
anderson at uwaterloo.ca

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