[MacTUG] How to turn off Translucent Menu Bar in 10.5

Don Duff-McCracken dsmccrac at fesmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Nov 19 13:36:43 EST 2007

OK, I know that there are lots of folks out there that say "Get over  
it the menu bar is now transparent", but it drives me crazy that it  
is. On my home machine it is blissfully solid, as it is an 'old' G5  
imac and cannot support the translucency. So why do I care?
1) My old eyes get bugged when there is texture behind words. It is  
such a clear violation of most design principles (speaking as someone  
with some design background)
2) If you use your own images as backgrounds -- and I have it randomly  
scroll through iphoto libraries -- some images create real havoc when  
they are behind the menu bar.

At any rate, rant off. If you like the transparancy in the menu bar  
then stop reading, otherwise, check this out. It works and my machine  
has not blown up yet! It involves mucking around with a plist -- it is  
easy, they even give it to you in one line, but you may want to make a  
copy of that plist first ;-)


Donald Duff-McCracken
Technical Services Manager
Mapping, Analysis & Design
Faculty of Environmental Studies
University of Waterloo
(519) 888-4567 x32151
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