[MacTUG] Leopard Server: Using ACLs with Open Directory

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 1 13:27:51 EDT 2007

In Leopard, Workgroup Manager supports rudimentary ACLs for the LDAP database. Weâ€'re all familiar with Access Control Lists by now. Especially in the Mac OS X Server community. However, we might not all be familiar with ACLs as they’re implemented in LDAP. But we should be, because LDAP is being used more and more as an address book, and with the new Directory application being shipped in Leopard it is conceivable that environments aren’t just going to use ACLs to secure LDAP but they’re also going to use them to allow users to self update their information in the directory. So in the interest of security and making the most out of the technologies build into LDAP, let’s cover LDAP ACLs for a bit. So to push beyond what you can do in Workgroup Manager, let’s take a look at building out more finely grained ACLs manually.


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