[MacTUG] Problem with nexus on our Xserve

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri May 25 13:50:24 EDT 2007

Hi Richard,

Here is some info, I was able to dig up on MacFixit. It may or may not help:

OS X Server and sendmail problems: a fix     Aristedes Maniatis writes:

     "As you may be aware, there are problems with AppleMailServer 
under OS X Server. One is that sendmail, as configured in OS X 
Server, does not pass mail correctly onto the AppleMailServer for 
local delivery, instead delivering into /var/mail, as is normal for 

     What's more, Apple did not include the sendmail.mc file which 
makes it easy for an administrator to configure sendmail for their 
own needs. Including only the sendmail.cf is almost useless unless 
you are one of a very very small group who actually understand the 
whole thing. Sendmail.mc is the recommended and standard way of 
configuring sendmail.

     So, I have created that file and posted, 
http://www.ish.com.au/solutions/sendmailOSX.html,  a full set of 
instructions on how to fix the broken sendmail configuration (as well 
as how to install qpopper and avoid the ugliness of the 
AppleMailServer entirely). I also posted this to the Apple OSX Server 
list and had several replies confirming that it worked.

Apple Security Update 2005-003 (#3): Apple pulls Mac OS X server 
version of update; Site compatibility problems within Safari

Apple pulls Security Update 2005-003 for Mac OS X Server Likely 
because of the severe issues affecting IMAP and APOP e-mail service 
(caused by a modification to the Cyrus mail service component of OS X 
server) reported here on MacFixIt yesterday, Apple appears to have 
pulled Security Update 2005-003 for Mac OS X Server.

No word has yet surfaced on when a revised update will be released.

In the meantime, if you are one of the users who applied Security 
Update 2005-003 to Mac OS X Server 10.3.8 and are experiencing 
adverse reactions, follow the procedure in our tutorial "Reverting to 
an earlier version of Mac OS X," applying all updates through Mac OS 
X 10.3.8, excluding Security Update 2005-003 (which will no longer 
appear in Software Update anyhow).

One typical manifestation of the APOP/IMAP problems reported 
yesterday is described in a report from MacFixIt reader Jason Self:

"I applied the Security Updated 2005-003 to my copy of Mac OS X 
Server 10.3.8. Disk permissions were repaired before and after.

"My server is no longer delivering mail. It had been configured to 
use Procmail using the directions from 

"Now messages are queueing up in the Postfix queue with the error 
"temporary failure. Command output: couldn't connect to lmtpd: 
Connection refused_ procmail: Program failure (75) of 

At 8:56 AM -0400 5/25/07, Richard Crispin wrote:
>Hi All
>I am having problems using nexus on our XServe. Mail works fine but 
>when you try to do forwarding or many of the other optional stuff I 
>get errors. This has been true from the beginning but up until now I 
>have not had time to try and tackle it. I did an IST problem report 
>which was past to Paul McKone. The information is below. Anyone have 
>a solution to this. I am assuming that Paul is correct. I do not 
>know where the users mail files are saved and I being basically lazy 
>am hoping someone can point me to the right stuff to find the 
>answer. If I remember correctly XServe uses postfix rather than 
>procmail but I am not sure.
>Any help is appreciated.
>Hi Richard,
>1) A lot of entries from the old list weren't moved to the new list.
>The "determine server from my UWdir entry" does a better job on the 
>new system than on the old, so explicit entries are really only 
>needed for machines whose userids don't all appear in UWdir.  I can 
>add one for sju if that's the case.
>2) The setup assumes that configuration files should be written in 
>the home directory associated with the login userid/server.  I've 
>got an "exceptions" list that redirects the ftp request to a 
>different machine where necessary.  If all users on sju are having 
>this problem, then I'm guessing that the files should be written to 
>another machine.  If only a few users are having this problem, I'd 
>guess at quota or permissions.
>I'd like to figure out what's going wrong, and fix it.  Is it new behaviour?
>>>  Subject:        Problems with Nexus Mail
>>>  ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>  Both the old and new versions of NEXUS Mail do not work fully with the
>>>  mailer we have running on our OSX Server. Both work for reading mail
>>>  and sending mail. The following problems
>>>  1) the new version does not have sju.uwaterloo.ca listed as an option.
>>>  2) both versions generate the following errors when trying to make use
>>>  of the forwarding and several of the other "Options"
>>>  Message  couldn't save .procmailrc_forward: Unable to write VFS file
>>>  ".procmailrc_forward".
>>>  Message  couldn't save .vacation.msg: Unable to write VFS file
>>>  ".vacation.msg".
>>>  Message  couldn't save .procmailrc_custom: Unable to write VFS file
>>>  ".procmailrc_custom".
>>>  Message  couldn't save .procmailrc: Unable to write VFS file
>>>  ".procmailrc".
>>>  Error  There were 4 errors while saving.
>>>  ----------------------------------------------------------
>Richard Crispin
>Information Systems Admin   e-mail:rcrispin at sju.uwaterloo.ca
>St. Jerome's University     phone:Days (519)884-8111 ext. 28260
>290 Westmount Rd. N         FAX:(519)725-0015
>Waterloo, Ont.  N2L 3G3
>When I die I'd like to die the way my grandfather died, peacefully in
>     his sleep...      ... not screaming and shouting, like his passengers.
>"Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!" Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales
>"Time, heat and pressure.
>    The same things that make a diamond also make a waffle." Scott Meyer
>"Every morning is the dawn of a new error." unknown
>MacTUG mailing list
>MacTUG at lists.uwaterloo.ca

Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Engineering Computing
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x38146
m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca

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