[MacTUG] The Joys of Bookit

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 3 14:09:32 EDT 2007

I thought I'd try the Disk Utility:Repair Permissions but
that only fixed Flash Player files.

chmod o+r /Applications/Oracle\ Calendar/Contents/MacOS/*
was insufficient ... gave up trying to figure out the minimum.
IST should get Oracle to fix their dmg.

I did figure out the following though:

Oracle Calendar can either be directly in the /Applications folder
or under there in /Applications/Oracle Calendar so to determine version,
you have to do both

defaults read '/Applications/Oracle Calendar/Contents/Info' CFBundleShortVersionString


defaults read '/Applications/Oracle Calendar/Oracle Calendar.app/Contents/Info' CFBundleShortVersionString

(Yep the old one has the .app extension in there.)


Ian Turner wrote:
> I also stumbled across this
> there is a library within the applications which is supposed to be 
> "shared", but which doesn't have read permissions
> I have a little script that I run using Remote Desktop, as "root":
> cd /Applications/Oracle\ Calendar/Contents/MacOS/
> chown cscfadm:cscfadm *
> chmod o+r *
> Dani Roloson wrote:
> > Oracle Calendar has to dragged and dropped into Applications
> > as the main user of the machine even if the main user has admin
> > privileges or the user will get a shared library error.
> > Root will not get the error after that but any other users will
> > even if they have admin privileges. Oracle must have a special
> > definition for "shared".
> > 
> > Dani Roloson
> > MFCF

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