[MacTUG] Apple releases Boot Camp 1.2 - now supports Windows Vista

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Mar 29 11:41:56 EDT 2007

Changes in Boot Camp 1.2 beta
Boot Camp 1.2 beta contains several updates and is intended for all  
new and previous Boot Camp beta users.

Boot Camp 1.2 beta includes:
Support for Windows Vista (32-bit)
Updated drivers, including but not limited to trackpad, AppleTime  
(synch), audio, graphics, modem, iSight camera
Support the Apple Remote (works with iTunes and Windows Media Player)
A Windows system tray icon for easy access to Boot Camp information  
and actions
Improved keyboard support  for Korean, Chinese, Swedish, Danish,  
Norwegian, Finnish, Russian, and French Canadian
Improved Windows driver installation experience
Updated documentation and Boot Camp on-line help in Windows
Apple Software Update (for Windows XP and Vista)
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