[MacTUG] cleaning your clock

Mike Patterson mpatters at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Mar 12 11:41:18 EDT 2007

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Dani Roloson wrote on 3/12/07 11:25 AM:
> As far as I can figure on the Macs, you use
>   ntpd -q -g
> to force them to resync with the time server.

I've also found that unchecking, then checking "Set date & time
automatically" in the date & time settings will force a resync.

The ntpd.conf file that OS X generates by default is really really
stupid - minpoll and maxpoll have very dumb times.  If your machine ever
sleeps (or if, @DEITY forbid, you have a laptop that's not always
connected) then your time will often get out of sync.  Usually it's only
a minute or five, and only really anal people notice, but still, I've
about had it with OS X GUIs that lie about what they do.  (The firewall
config lies even more than the NTP one.)

This is described in little detail here:

Some of my users have removed the min/maxpoll settings from their
ntpd.conf files, and then set that file immutable - otherwise it gets
rewritten if you ever open date & time settings again.


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