[MacTUG] Triggering the screensaver

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 26 12:58:58 EDT 2007

I didn't get a chance to look it up, but the second one is what we have 
enabled in the labs and was trying to think of at the meeting this 
morning - not an obvious place to look!!!

Dani Roloson wrote:
> Hard to use the hot corners in ARD.
>>From command line:
> open /System/Library/Frameworks/ScreenSaver.framework/Resources/ScreenSaverEngine.app
> Lots of aliases in the directories but I think that's the shortest path.
>>From GUI just option run the app.  (Option run to close window to app.)
> Or go into the Preferences of Utilities:Keychain Access 
> and in General say "Show Status in Menu Bar".
> It puts a lock icon up and the first item is "Lock Screen".
> I prefer the first since the second opens a can of worms.
> Dani 
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