[MacTUG] FYI: GraphicConverter 6.0 released

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jul 31 10:15:59 EDT 2007

There is a new version of GraphicConverter now out.

What's new in this version:

     * Dutch and Catalan localization added
     * lossless jpeg cropping added to convert & modify
     * optional footer to open images added (UB only)
     * save for web function added
     * polygon selection tool added
     * basic layer support added
     * set gps coordinates from Google Earth added
     * go to photo position in Google Earth added
     * rulers added
     * djvu import added with additional tool (UB only)
     * additional automator actions added
     * additional frames added (registered version only)
     * kdc import for X and UB version added
     * open exr import added (10.4.x)
     * some measure functions (line, rectangle, circle, mean) added  
to the measure tool
     * selection supports now an alpha channel (drag, copy, paste)
     * basic import of HD Photo (wdp) added (UB only)
     * new browser sort options added (sort from position and sort  
from position hexadeciaml)
     * paste into alpha channel added
     * enhance local contrast function added
     * option to displayed main image tiled (for pattern creation) added
     * browser support for copy/paste of files added
     * context menu entry to convert microsoft non standard captions  
to iptc added (JPEG submenu in the context menu of the browser)
     * compatible to Leopard beta
     * photoraw import improved
     * folder sorting context menu entry in the browser improved
     * eraser cursor improved (much better speed in UB version)
     * e-mail function to context menu in the droplist added
     * icns handling in the clipboard improved
     * aspect ratio menu improved
     * more subsampling options for jpeg format added
     * new image with transparent background option added
     * option to justify images in slideshow added
     * insert text batch improved
     * scrollwheel zoom inside slideshow works now centered to the  
current location
     * Spotlight search speeded up
     * errors upon command line tool calls are displayed
     * GraphicConverter can be called by command line to open a file
     * slideshow speeded up (new files are opened as separate thread)
     * rename does rename additional thm files, too (for AVI, CRW...)
     * crop applescript command added
     * blp support improved
     * option to define return/enter key behaviour added
     * rename option to reset index on folder change added
     * trim bug during printing fixed
     * resolution detection in pict on intel macs fixed
     * possible bug in batch rename preview fixed
     * bug in set file date to original date after conversion with  
long filenames fixed
     * bug in AppleScript with long filenames fixed
     * bug in undo after paster fixed
     * bug in multipage TIFF rotation fixed (UB)
     * bug in saving 16 bit PICTs on Intel Macs fixed (UB)
     * bug in lab import with bad profiles fixed
     * zoom behaviour improved (UB)
     * possible display bug upon opening actions fixed
     * bug in unix link support fixed
     * bug in split (name) fixed
     * file selection bug on Leopard fixed
     * many other bug fixes and improvements

Glenn Anderson
Client Services, IST
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, On
519-888-4567 x33327
anderson at uwaterloo.ca

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