[MacTUG] AFP548 - Quota Monitor Menu

Ian Turner iturner at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jul 10 08:37:43 EDT 2007

note the "gottcha"
it will disable / replace the Network Home Redirector login hook, which 
we are finding VERY useful on our Lab Macs; BUT, there is a workaround 
posted in the discussion

Marlon A. Griffith wrote:
> The Situation: You have a Mac OS X Server with network home directories 
> and disk quotas enabled.
> The Problem: The Mac OS Finder on client machines does not have very 
> good support for warning users they are approaching their file quota 
> limit. They end up all of sudden unable to save files with little or no 
> explanation as to why.
> The Solution: QuotaMonitorMenu places the user’s home folder quota 
> status right in the menu bar. It will also pop up warnings at regular 
> intervals. All warnings and text are customizable.
> <http://www.afp548.com/article.php?story=20070619191504405>
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