[MacTUG] MacFUSE's sshfs is Awesome!!

Mike Patterson mpatters at cs.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 30 14:42:41 EST 2007

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Marlon A. Griffith wrote on 1/30/07 2:00 PM:
> I have just mounted the ssh session to Architecture's wireless freebsd
> naa as a filesystem. I was able to browse, open a document with TextEdit
> and grab a file all through the finder. Incredible!
> I used MacFuse and MacFUSE_FS_SSHFS from Google:
> http://code.google.com/p/macfuse/wiki/QUICKER_START_GUIDE

A friend of mine reported some bad trouble going from a Linux -> FreeBSD
machine using sshfs (which doesn't affect Macs at all, obviously), but
I've experimented with it on a couple of my G4 machines and it worked
great in limited tests from both on and off-campus.  One of my
researchers was quite happy with it too, except he said:

> So far, the only problem is that if I mount the CS445 course account
> (correctly), Dreamweaver thinks that the files in that dir are
> read-only. Dreamweaver will let me open the file for viewing, and even
> let me "save as" in the correct directory, but it won't let me open or
> save them normally.

So perhaps DW folks may see problems?


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