[MacTUG] Migration Assistant seems to take forever

Dani Roloson daroloso at mfcf.math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Feb 28 12:30:25 EST 2007

> I've had problems before where it takes a long time to find
> the users after you've selected the hard drive but it usually
> works fine the second time.
> Machine today still didn't find the users after about 4 attempts.
> I could navigate the firewired drive fine and I migrated the files
> in the reverse direction Monday on first attempt.
> Any suggestions? Repair perms first?

The "from" machine had a second boot partition so I booted from that
and ran "Disk Utility":"Repair Disk" on the involved drives with
"No Repairs Necessary".

Decided to boot the "from" machine from the "to" drive
(instead of yesterday "to" machine from the "to" drive)
and it worked first time.  The "from" machine was newer hardware.


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