[MacTUG] Legato Networker and nsr files

Jeff Dunnett jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Dec 11 11:20:33 EST 2007

Hello Everyone,

We have out files backed up by IST using the Legato Networker.

The .nsr file currently looks like this:

<< / >>
skip: ".DS_Store"
skip: ".Trashes"
skip: ".bash_history"
skip: ".hotfiles.btree"
skip: ".rnd"
skip: ".ssh"
skip: ".vol"
skip: "Applications"<< / >>
skip: ".DS_Store"
skip: ".Trashes"
skip: ".bash_history"
skip: ".hotfiles.btree"
skip: ".rnd"
skip: ".ssh"
skip: ".vol"
skip: "Applications"
skip: "Desktop DB"
skip: "Desktop DF"
skip: "Groups"
skip: "Library"
skip: "Network"
skip: "Shared Items"
skip: "System"
# "Users"
skip: "Volumes"
skip: "automount"
skip: "bin"
skip: "cores"
skip: "databases"
skip: "dev"
skip: "etc"
skip: "mach"
skip: "mach.sym"
skip: "mach_kernel"
skip: "nsr"
skip: "opt"
skip: "private"
skip: "sbin"
skip: "tmp"
skip: "usr"
skip: "var"
# "wo_apps"

<< /Library/WebServer >>
skip: "CGI-Executables"

What the last part of the file is supposed to be is a directive to  
backup (and only backup) /Library/WebServer/Documents.  It does not  
do what it is supposed to and I have obviously done something wrong.   
As you are aware /Library/WebServer/Documents is a location for files  
served up by Apache.  We would like these files backed up as well.  I  
was wondering if anyone knew of directive that would allow me to  
backup only /Library/WebServer/Documents and not the other  
directories (and subdirectories) of /Library?


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