[MacTUG] Leopard Upgrade

Jeff Dunnett jdunnett at math.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Aug 7 10:27:36 EDT 2007

Hello Everyone,

I was talking to the management folk here about the fact that Leopard  
is to be considered a fully UNIX and some of the new features that  
seem interesting.  I told them that the new version is slated for  
release in October.  At least one of them liked the idea of  
upgrading.  So naturally they asked me how much will it cost.  I did  
some trolling around the internet and found the price of a desktop  
copy ($129 USD on Amazon.com).

My question is does anyone know if/when they are releasing an Server  
version of Leopard?  Does anyone know this version?  What about the  
costs in general?  I am assuming that there might be an educational  
cost.  Dani does MFCF have any kind of official plan on upgrading to  


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