[MacTUG] MacWindows: Workaround for multiple stranded SMBD processes on Tiger Server

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu May 11 14:35:30 EDT 2006

May 11, 2006 -- Mark Fisher has a workaround for problem with Mac OS 
X Server 10.4.x where hundreds of SMBD processes on the server brings 
it to a crawl when a small number of Windows clients are connected:

     We've had the same problem, as described by several users. One 
thing that helps, temporarily, for us is unbinding the MacOSX server 
from the Active Directory domain that it is using for authentication. 
Then we add it back again. Windows users can again log on and the 
SMBD processes are normal. Seems like we need to do it every so often 
and we have no idea what triggers the problem.
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