[MacTUG] Article: MacNN | New flaw crashes Safari, Finder

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Mar 30 15:01:09 EST 2006

A blogger has identified an apparent flaw in the Apple's Mac OS X 
graphics display engine, ImageIO, that will crash the company's 
Safari Web browser and other system applications, including the 
Finder. The flaw [link: warning, will crash Safari], posted by 
DrunkenBlog, crashes anything using the Mac OS X ImageIO API 
including Finder, Preview, and applications based on Webkit and 
WebCore -- Apple JavaScript/HTML display engine for Safari and other 
applications. ImageIO reportedly hangs during an EXIF routine, and 
images of the specified type are already floating around on the Web 
according to the blogger, who comments on Apple's general security 
standing. "I haven't met anyone within Apple that's been around 
awhile who wouldn't admit over beers that they'd be mighty nervous 
dropping OS X as it currently stands into the orgy Windows swims in, 
so I'm always amused at what shows up around the Web, and less amused 
by the pundits feeding it to them." The report notes that the bug -- 
which only affects Tiger and won't crash Camino or Firefox -- has 
been reported in Apple's system; however, as with most security 
issues, Apple has not publicly responded.


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