[MacTUG] Ideal Platform for Software Engineering and Development

Randy Milthorpe rmilthorpe at apple.com
Wed Mar 1 11:36:12 EST 2006

"The Simplicity of Unix and the Power of the Mac" - Free Seminar for 
People interested in software development or the Mac OS X Operating 

Have a chance to win an iPod Shuffle

Date: March 15, 2005
Where: PHY 313
Time: 12:00 - 1:30

You're invited!
Attend a free seminar and find out why the Mac is the ideal platform 
for software engineering and development.

The presenter:
Steve Hayman graduated from Waterloo with an M.Math in 1986 despite 
being the leader of the Warriors Band, and is currently a Consulting 
Engineer with Apple's Education team.   He is very pleased that his 
UNIX experience gained while working for the Waterloo Math Faculty 
Computing Facility has found new application as the core of such a 
cool system as Mac OS X, and is even more pleased that his Warriors 
Band background has not prevented him from founding and directing 
Argonotes, the Toronto Argonauts Band.

What you'll learn:
We'll talk about the core operating system and developer tools of Mac 
OS X, Apple's UNIX-based operating system that combines the power of 
Unix with the simplicity of the Mac (or, perhaps, "the simplicity of 
Unix and the power of the Mac", depending on your perspective.) We'll 
look at the system from the bottom up - the core BSD-based 
environment, the command-line gcc-based developer tools, scripting 
possibilities, open-source toolkits and on up through Apple's 
Automator, XCode and modern object-oriented developer tools.  We'll 
actually build something with Xcode and Interface Builder based on 
Apple's WebKit, CoreData and other useful and reusable frameworks.

OSX internals and design
Operating systems design tools
OSX test tools
Convergence of BSD and MACOS
Apple development environments: Xcode and WebObjects

http://www.campustechshop.uwaterloo.ca. Please respond by March 13, 2005.

We look forward to seeing you at the seminar!

Randy Milthorpe, Apple Computer Inc. 905-513-5585	Rmilthorpe at apple.com
Sponsored by: Apple Computer Inc. & Campus Tech Shop

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