[MacTUG] Parallels Desktop Tweaker 1.0

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 29 10:53:27 EDT 2006

 From Xlr8yourmac.  " Have you ever run Parallels Desktop and noticed 
the overall speed of your Mac decrease? I have, and as an experienced 
Mac developer I can tell you exactly what the problem is. Parallels 
Desktop is filling up your system's RAM with pages from the HDD and 
SAV files.
     I've created a little utility called PD Tweaker that enhances the 
speed and reliability of Parallels Desktop. It's freeware, it uses 
Unsanity's Application Enhancer 2.0 to do its thing, and the source 
code is available under a Creative Commons attribution license.

     It has two major features which can be enabled separately:
     Optimizes caching for HDD and SAV files
     Always writes HDD and SAV files all the way to disk
     With PD Tweaker installed, you should notice significantly less 
VM paging on your Mac during and after a session with Parallels 
Desktop. Without PD Tweaker, even a Mac with 2 gigs of RAM can 
quickly start paging up a storm when you do certain disk-intensive 
operations on your client OS.

     PD Tweaker is just a temporary fix; at some point, the Parallels 
team should incorporate its features into a future release of 
Parallels Desktop. But until then, why wait?
     For more information, and a technical description of how and why 
it works (and known issues), see the PD Tweaker homepage at 
     . -Drew "

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