[MacTUG] Tip: Fixing password/username issue with Win 2003 Server

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 22 11:56:31 EDT 2006

MacWindows. June 22, 2006 --Rouven Willimann in Switzerland could not 
login to his Windows server from his Mac until he made a 
configuration adjustment on the server:

     I was unable to login my Mac 10.4.x into the Windows 2003 Server. 
I was keep getting Errors that either my Password or User Name is 
wrong although they were perfectly correct all the time when I tried. 
The only way it would work was when I installed a trial version of 
AdmitMac or DAVE. With this extra software I had basically no 
problem. Then one day I tried to Disable "Microsoft sign 
communications (always)" and what a surprise it worked. Even when 
this option is Not Defined my Mac would not login. So you really have 
to disable this option, Not Defined will not work.

     You'll find this setting under: Default Domain Controller Policy 
\ Computer Configuration \ Windows Settings \ Security Settings \ 
Local Policies \ Security Options, find "Microsoft network server: 
Digitally sign communications (always)." Define this policy as 
"Disabled." ("Not Defined" will not work.)
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