[MacTUG] Reader says avoid spaces in Active Directory login names

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jun 16 10:49:11 EDT 2006

MacWindows. June 16, 2006 - An aonymous reader passed along this bit 
of advice for Mac login names in Active Directory:

     Another thing to add regarding AD integration in general. We had 
a real cow trying to get our Macs working on AD with Tiger 10.4.6 
(think it would happen though with all Tiger point releases).

     Our AD domain uses friendly name for logins... i.e John Smith as 
opposed to John.smith or Johnsmith...
     Spaces do not work and you end up getting a read-only profile if 
you login with it. It took us ages to work this out and solve it. We 
proceeded to get around it by giving all our user names a pre-Windows 
2000 login, which doesn't have spaces.
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